Next Thursday, February 3rd, I'll be speaking at an Image Impact Workshop hosted by Dr. Kurtis Martin. I'll be talking about my ideas for how to draw beauty from the inside out through the practice of eating well, and then personal trainer TJ Bizzarri will be doing a mini workout demo and Dr. Martin will talk about his practice and his commitment to the holistic health of his patients. If you live in Cincinnati and can join us (or know someone who would like to), here are the details:
Image Impact Workshop
Sponsored by Kurtis W. Martin, M.D.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
6355 E. Kemper Road, Cincinnati, OH
Reserve your spot by calling 513-469-0300
I really do believe that beauty begins within. On one hand, you can lose weight by eating fewer calories, no matter where those calories come from. But there is a vibrancy and vitality that is called forth only by eating really good quality food that provides a wide range of nutrients. A low-calorie diet comprised of junk food may take off some pounds, but it simply will never produce that healthy glow we all seek. Do you notice when someone appears to be lit from within? That's the magic of really high quality food. It proves that the old adage "you are what you eat" is true after all.